Son Keeps Promise to His Mother with Posthumous Release of New Children’s Book

NEW YORK, NY, – When Michele Solomon passed away last year after a battle with breast cancer, her dream of having her first children’s story published looked as though it may never be realized. That’s when her son, Jason, teamed with Sevenhorns Publishing and DC Comics artist Mark Poulton to bring The Adventure of Hardy the Horse to life and keep the promise he made to his mother.
Aimed at children ages 4-6, the story’s titular character is a horse with poor eyesight named Hardy who wears glasses and spends his days on the farm. He knows he is not supposed to leave without Farmer Joe, but when his curiosity gets the better of him one day, Hardy soon realizes his adventure has taken a terrible turn and must find his way back home. “My mother believed strongly in the impact books can have on a child’s imagination,” said Jason Solomon. “The hope of one day being able to share her story gave her a sense of purpose during a very challenging time in her life. I made a vow to her that I would make sure people would come to know the story of Hardy and his friends, and I could not be happier to see her dream finally come true. This book is now forever a part of her legacy.” For more information on The Adventure of Hardy the Horse (Sevenhorns Publishing; $24.99 hardcover), visit